自2016年7月25日起,所有CCIE考生將參加全新CCIE筆試,改版后的CCIE筆試將考核Evolving Technologies(革新技術),包括網絡編程、云和物聯網等技術。
CCIE筆試考核框架 所有思科CCIE專家級認證筆試中將加入全新考核部分-Evolving Technologies(革新技術),實驗考試不受影響。
筆試中的Evolving Technologies(革新技術)部分集中在網絡編程、云和物聯網這三項要點的考核,考核考生對這些革新技術概念的理解。
Evolving Technologies(革新技術)部分將會占筆試的10%。
Evolving Technologies(革新技術)備考資源 考生可以參考CCIE認證產品總監Yusuf Bhaiji親自總結并推薦的以下學習資源,來備考Evolving Technologies(革新技術)部分。' g. g3 w, A0 m r& g
Networks and Services for the Cloud: Delivering business-grade cloud
applications and services (ISBN-10: 1-58714-294-5)
Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals video lessons (ISBN-10:1-58720-665-X)
An Introduction to Software Defined Networking (SDN) LiveLessons(ISBN-10: 0-7897-5381-2)
參考鏈接Internet of Things
Internet of Everything
Internet of Everything - PDF Library
Cisco IoT white paper by Dave Evans
Cisco IoE white paper by Dave Evans
SDN - Recorded Seminars
Cloud Strategy and Solutions
Unleashing IT - Cloud Edition
OpenStack 101 Video
OpenStack Documentation
NFV - whitepapers
Cisco Live主題演講 BRKDEV-2003 - Programming the Network: Let's Get Started
BRKRST-2051 - SDN - From Concepts To Reality
BRKRST-1014 - Introduction to Software-Defined Networking (SDN)and Network Programmability
BRKCDN-1005 - Better Network Management Through Network Programmability
BRKNMS-2030 - Onboard Automation with Cisco IOS Embedded Event Manager
BRKNMS-2446 - Do IT with DevOps
BRKDEV-2001 - DevOps in Programmable Network Environments
BRKCRT-2603 - Cloudy with a chance of SDN
BRKSDN-2761 - OpenDaylight: The Open Source SDN Controller Platform
BRKSDN-1903 - A Model-driven Approach to Software Defined Networks with Yang, Netconf/Restconf
BRKCRS-2444 - The Internet of Things: an Architectural Foundation and its Protocols
BRKSPG-2611 - IP Routing in Smart Object Networks and the Internet of Things
BRKIOT-2020 - The Evolution from Machine-to-Machine (M2M) to the Internet of Everything: Technologies and Standards
DEVNET-1108 - Cisco Executives Discuss the Internet of Things
On-Demand Cisco Live Session Library
CCIE技術講座系列 Cisco DevNet 推薦課程 Cisco - Introducing Network Programmability Fundamentals
Cisco - Introduction to APIC EM Deployment
Cisco - Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals (CLDFND) 1.0