更新時間:2023-03-13 10:00:26
OCA認證 --Oracle Certified Associate
初級技能水平考試,是使用Oracle產品的基礎。要獲得OCA 證書,必須在考試中心進行考試,通過后可獲得相應的OCA證書。
OCP認證 --Oracle Certified Professionals
專家級技能和技術知識考試,通過這種考試之后,說明此人可以管理大型數據庫。要成為OCP,必須先獲得OCA證書,然后才能參加OCP 要求的其它考試。
Oracle Certified Master
OCM是Oracle Certified Master的縮寫,意思是數據庫認證大師,是Oracle認證的最高級別,是對數據庫從業人員的技術、知識和操作技能的最高級別的認可,考取該認證必須先獲得ocp認證。
騰科 提升您的IT價值
鐘*同學 5
效果: 5 服務: 5 師資: 5 環境: 5
白*同學 5
效果: 5 服務: 5 師資: 5 環境: 5
邱*同學 5
效果: 5 服務: 5 師資: 5 環境: 5
No user- defined locks are used in your database.Which three are true about Transaction Control Language (TCL)?
A) COMMIT erases all the transaction's savepoints and releases its locks.
B) COMMIT ends the transaction and makes all its changes permanent.
C) ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT undoes the transaction's changes made since the named savepoint and then ends the transaction.
D) ROLLBACK without the TO SAVE POINT clause undoes all the transaction's changes but does not erase its savepoints.
E) ROLLBACK without the TO SAVEPOINT clause undoes all the transaction's changes, releasesits locks, and erases all its savepoints.
F) ROLLBACK without the TO SAVEPOINT clause undoes all the transaction's changes but does not release its locks.
Which two are true?
A) floor returns the largest integer less than or equal to a specified number.
B) INSTR finds the offset within a string of a single character only.
C) INSTR finds the offset within a character string, starting from position O.
D) FLOOR returns the largest positive integer less than or equal to a specified number.
E) CONCAT joins two or more character strings together.
F) CONCAT joins two character strings together.
數據庫系統(Database System,DBS)是采用數據庫技術的計算機系統,它是由計算機硬件、軟件和數據資源組成的系統,能實現有組織的、動態的存儲大量關聯數據,并方便多用戶訪問。
與以前版本的OCP考試要考三個科目相比,現在的OCP 19c認證考試只有兩個科目,隨著版本的變化,增加了新技術、新功能的考試范圍。如果你對這些考試內容不熟悉,考試就會非常困難。
Oracle Database 21c(創新版,已生產可用)還可帶您提前了解 Oracle 的眾多增強功能和新功能,包括面向數據庫中 JavaScript 和區塊鏈表的多模支持,以及多負載優化(例如將納入未來的長期支持版的 AutoML 和分片增強功能)。